Interview: 2022 California OC/DL Michael Gastelum Ready to Show Out with Heritage Academy

Written by Ryan Wright

Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG

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When it comes to heart, determination, and confidence, few have anything on Class of 2022 center/defensive lineman Michael Gastelum. Gastelum was a do-everything trench hog on both sides of the ball for Canoga Park during the 2019 season. When the 2020 California season kicks off this spring, he will keep that same approach to the game with Heritage Academy. Rolling into the five-game season, the 5-11, 302-pound, lineman will have a head start on most after playing padded club ball this winter, and he will be doing so with college programs watching.

In an RNG update interview, Gastelum stopped by the Lab covering ground on winter ball, the upcoming season, and recent recruiting visit.

*Click the link for Michael Gastelum’s Oct. 2020 RNG video interview


Michael, the 2020 season is about to kickoff in California. Silly question, but how excited are you to finally get your junior year into gear?

You know, I am ecstatic. I didn’t think I was going to have one. This means the world to me, my family, and the coaching staff. I transferred here for a reason.

Have you guys already put the pads on?

Yes, today (Wednesday) was our second day in pads.

How did it feel to start knocking some of that rust off with your teammates?

(Laughs) It feels good, but some of my teammates were not ready. Because of club ball, I was ready.

Which team did you play for during the 11-on-11 padded club ball season?

With Valley Elite.

Getting those live reps in pads, how did it go?

Personally, I had a pretty good season. I had good stats going against good competition. I went up against USC commits and other college commits. There was great competition out there.

During club ball, which positions did you play?

Center, guard, and defensive tackle.

On offense, where did you see your skills improve from last season?

I feel like it was my speed off the ball, going to the next level, and doing it fast.

When the season gets going with Heritage are you playing both center and defensive tackle?

You’ll see me at center, defensive tackle and end.

How have you prepared yourself for the schedule as a center?

Recently, I have been working in the weight room getting more PR (personal records) and improving my endurance. This is all routine for me at center. I am just working to perfect my craft If I take 100 snaps a day, I am working on my kick steps or zone steps. I do that every day.

And what about on defense? What drills have you been doing on that side of the ball?

On defense I have been working on my get off, hand fighting, and my hips at defensive end. I will be there on passing downs. If I am on the quarterback’s blindside, pray for him.

You mentioned getting after it in the weight room, what all have you been doing to set new personal records?

Working on my mobility and strength.

What are your new maxes?

My PR on squat is 425 and my deadlift is now 500 pounds.

Nice. When is Heritage’s first game?

Our first game is on March 13 at Heritage.

Who are you guys playing?

We are playing Campbell Hall.

How many games are you guys playing this season?

We have five total.

What goals have you set for yourself?

No sacks on offense and on defense I want to have at least 10 sacks – at least. And I want a pick.

Let’s get into some recruiting. Which programs are showing interest?

I am receiving some D-III interest. I just visited Northern State in Minnesota.

How did the visit go?

It went great. The state is beautiful and the campus is amazing.

What all did you see and do during your visit?

We toured with the football coaches. We toured the campus, talked academics, and me and another athlete from Heritage took a private tour. They had our own jerseys with our name on them for us.

Sounds really cool. Michael, it was great catching up with you finding out how your club ball season went. Wishing you and the team success this spring with the 2020 season.

Thank you, sir.

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Photo credit: Gastelum family; Michael Gastelum

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