Interview: Commitment Coming Up for 3-Star 2022 Alabama QB Khalib Johnson

The largest QB recruitment platform in the nation.

Written by Ryan Wright

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The 2020 high school football season for Clay-Chalkville was successful on many levels. The Cougars ended the year ranked No. 10 in-state after rolling to a 10-1 record against 6A Alabama squads and the college football recruiting world found out about Khalib Johnson. The three-star Class of 2022 recruit threw for 2,476 yards with 25 touchdowns and torched opposing defenses for 500 yards on the ground.

As to be expected, college programs are finding Johnson in a hurry. The 6-3, 205-pound, dual-threat now holds nine offers but his process may be coming to a close soon. On Feb. 20, Johnson plans on announcing his verbal commitment.

In an RNG update interview partnered with QB Hit List, Johnson covers ground on his season, winter workouts, and Top 4 schools.

*Click link to see Khalib Johnson’s QB Hit List profile page


Khalib, how are your offseason workouts going?

They are going well. I have been working on getting my speed up and I’m getting back in the film room so my mind can stay sharp.

Keeping with that; to expand your knowledge of offenses and defenses, what have you been doing to learn more about the game?

Watching old clips and old videos. I’ve been watching Tom Brady taking apart defenses.

What have you been doing to push your athleticism and physical abilities?

I have been working on getting more flexible, stretching a lot. I am on the track team, practicing not competing.

Which parts of your game have you focused on with the fundamentals?

With my fundamentals, getting the ball out quicker. I want to cut the time on that. You can always get the ball out quicker.

Are you playing 7v7?

Yes, sir. I am playing with Cam Newton’s team.

How is that opportunity going?

It is going great. We start competing next weekend on Saturday.

Where is the tournament?

In Georgia. It is Cam Newton’s Alabama team verses Cam Newton’s Georgia team.

That’ll be interesting. With all the early work put in on your game, where are you already improving?

I feel like I am faster already by stretching. I am learning the game even more. You can always have a better understanding of the game.

Are there any upcoming camps on your schedule?

The Elite 11 Regional in Nashville.

The college scouts are finding you, as they should. When you talk to the various college coaches, what are they telling you they like about your game?

Most people say they like how I am dual-threat but only run when I have to. They like that I have a strong arm and a quick release point.

With the big spike in offers, how is this motivating you in the weight room and on the field?

Oh yeah, it is motivating me even more with the offers. I have a big target on my head. There are players out there without the offers working hard too. I have to work even harder.

How many offers do you have now?


Which programs were the last couple to offer?

Tulane, Utah State, Louisville, and Virginia Tech.

Johnson’s Offer Sheet: Columbia, Kansas, Louisville, South Florida, Toledo, Tulane, Utah State, and Virginia Tech

Which programs are now showing interest?

Florida, Mississippi State, Western Kentucky, and Vanderbilt.

Are there any visits you’d like to take when allowed?

Yes, to my Top 4: Louisville, Virginia Tech, South Florida, and Kansas.

When you broke down your offers coming up with your Top 4, what went into that criteria?

The program’s style of offense and the coaching staff. I like the schools that are interested in me. Those coaches show a lot of interest and love.

Do you have a commitment date set?

Yes. Feb. 20 is my commitment date.

How are you announcing your commitment?

I will post it everywhere and announce it on IG live.

Very cool. Khalib, it was great catching up with you today. I am looking forward to finding out which lucky program receives your commitment.

Thank you, sir.

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Photo credit: Johnson family; Khalib Johnson

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