One to Watch Interview with Versatile 2022 California DE/TE Nathan Bence

Written by Ryan Wright

Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG

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Scouting high school football comes with a certain amount of guess work and gut instincts, even for the five- and four-star rated players. There are the measurables, like height, weight, speed, and strength, and there is also the productivity and future potential. After Nathan Bence’s first season on the gridiron, all those things are coming together in an exciting way. The 6-3, 265-pound, rising talent was so athletic the coaches at Tri-City Christian had him playing defensive end and a hybrid fullback/tight end role. The culmination was a 33-tackle season and an offensive stat line that included five receptions for 71 yards and nine carries for 15 on short-yardage plays without an accurate list of pancakes or knockdowns.

In an RNG first-look interview, Bence updates us on his offseason workouts and playing padded club ball with Fast Camp this winter as he prepares to take on San Diego competition during his upcoming junior campaign while adding a couple of new positions.


Nathan, the Eagles were putting your athleticism on display during the 2019 season lining you up on both sides of the ball. Given all that experience, how did your understanding and knowledge of the game grow a year ago?

A year ago, it was my first time actually playing. It was all new to me. As I got into it, I got to know it well with my coaches help. Our coaches make it easy on us. I developed quickly.

Even more impressive finding out that the 2019 season was your first season.

Thank you.

On offense you were that hard-nosed guy getting the tough yards, and they were throwing to you some. If you will, break it down for us. What all were you doing on offense during your sophomore season?

At first, I was that big guy blocking and maybe they’d throw it to me some. I didn’t play a ton on offense. There were some plays designed for me for to get first downs when we needed them. Primarily I was like a fullback blocking for the running backs.

Given your first season, everything with your game had to improve in big strides. What were some of the areas that showed the most improvement overall on offense?

My quickness, definitely my strength, and my knowledge.

On defense, looks like the Eagles were running a four-man front with you as a stand-up end. What was your role and responsibilities within the scheme?

To keep containment and to put some pressure to the quarterback, that was pretty much it.

How did you take your skills on that side of the ball to another level?

My get off on the defensive line and attacking the tackle improved throughout the season. They would move me around adjusting to their team. I was blowing up the offensive linemen last season.

When the season ended, what did you feel were the strengths to your game as a defender?

My hands got better, I was pushing away the offensive linemen’s hands, pursuing the football, and getting into the backfield on pass plays.

Once the 2020 season gets going, where all will we see you on the field?

My coaches moved me to defensive tackle, because I have gotten bigger. My coach put me there to be closer to the football getting off the line wise. Against passing teams, I may play on the edge but against run teams I will be on the inside. On offense I am playing left tackle. I am still trying to get it down.

You have a bunch of big moves in the works for the 2020 season. To prepare, have you been working with a trainer?

Yes, I have been working out with a trainer at Time Performance. They are helping me get stronger and build muscle. We have been running as a team on the field and lifting as a team doing basic workouts

To stay sharp and keep the football instincts going, have you been playing 7v7 or with a club team?

Yes, I have been playing with Fast Camp. I have been playing tight end for Fast Camp’s 7v7 and some at linebacker. On their club team, I am playing defensive tackle for them.

You touched on this a minute ago, going deeper. How have you been preparing your body from a strength standpoint for the upcoming schedule?

Doing the basics, bench, squat, and clean and a lot of incline bench to punch that guard or tackle off the ball. I have also been doing a lot of abs to make sure my core is tight and strong. I have been working a lot of the little muscles and working on my shoulders and back.

Have you had a chance to max out in the weight room?

Yes, but it was a while ago, and I did not do a full max but did a partial-max. I got 410 on squat, my bench was 295-300, and my deadlift was 405.

Nice. What have you been doing for your speed and conditioning?

Before, I was working with a coach using resistance bands running on flat ground and uphill. I have been working on get-offs, doing short sprints, and long distances for our conditioning and for stamina.

How have you stayed sharp working on your technique throughout the offseason?

During practice our defensive line coach works on our hands. I have been going to Giant Skillz to get exposure; they work on our hands a lot there too. That is pretty much it.

Have you been to any camps this offseason?

I have been to a Giant Skillz camp and they are having another one in San Juan Capistrano.

Are you playing any other varsity sports for Tri-City?

I play baseball and I used to play basketball.

Nathan, I appreciate your time today. Wishing you success with club ball until the 2020 season begins in California.

Thank you.

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Photo credit: Bence family; Nathan Bence

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